
Bij toeval ontdekte ik de site

Scherm­afbeelding 2023 08 23 om 11 46 46Daar kan je ‘spelen’/kennismaken met een enorme verzameling programmeertalen.
N.B. ‘Tio’ staat voor Try it Online.


Ik heb natuurlijk meteen gekeken of FORTH er ook bij staant. En ja hoor! 😀

What is TIO?


TIO is a family of online interpreters for an evergrowing list of practical and recreational programming languages.


To use TIO, simply click the arrow below, pick a programming language, and start typing. Once you click the run button, your code is sent to a TIO arena, executed in a sandboxed environment, and the results are sent back to your browser. You can share your code by generating a client-side permalink that encodes code and input directly in the URL.


Why TIO?


  • TIO hosts 260 practical and 420 recreational programming languages, for a total of 681 languages.
  • TIO listens: languages and features are added by request all the time. If you have a request or want to report a bug, use any of the contact options listed below.
  • The TIO web app is free of charge, ad-free, and doesn’t use tracking cookies or third-party analytic scripts.
  • The software that powers TIO is open source (MIT) and can be found on
  • TIO works great on mobile devices.